Technological branches, Economics - Management


  • Target level of study

    BAC +2

  • ECTS

    120 credits

  • Duration

    2 years

  • Training structure

    STAPS Faculty

  • Language(s) of instruction



 (Subject to opening)

Graduates of the DEUST "Action et Commercialisation des Produits Sportifs" supervise and lead sports and leisure activities, ensuring the safety of participants and third parties. They are responsible for the administrative and financial management of a small sports facility (gymnasium, stadium, swimming pool, etc.), oversee the upkeep of the installations, draw up schedules for the use of equipment and the occupation of rooms, etc. They direct the public towards appropriate services and offer different subscription formulas. They lead the physical and sports activities included in the project.

In the field of sales action, he/she is mainly responsible for promoting and monitoring the marketing of sports products or brands to customers or professionals: works councils, local authorities, administrations, clubs.... Prospecting, building customer loyalty and launching new operations are a major part of the job. As a salesperson in a specialized store or supermarket, they manage the sporting goods department (products, equipment, accessories, etc.) and advise customers. To ensure optimum customer satisfaction, they must keep abreast of the latest technical developments.

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Intervention, the leitmotiv of the 1st year of the DEUST, will serve as the basis for the 2nd year of the DEUST, moving towards the organization of sporting events (Raid DEUST), marketing, sponsorship...

This 2-year vocational training course is a level III diploma (bac +2), awarded by the University.  

It's a vocational diploma, which means that it's designed to help graduates find jobs, and thus make them immediately employable.

Students will be able to meet the expectations of employers in the sports entertainment and marketing sector.

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Open on a sandwich basis

This course is offered on a sandwich basis.


See downloadable models 

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Admission requirements

  • The DEUST is aimed at holders of a baccalaureate or equivalent, with a suitable profile, demonstrating involvement in sport and participation in leadership, training and initiation in sports, leisure and tourism structures. BAFA, AFPS (first aid certificate) are an asset.
  • The DEUST is aimed at employees, craftsmen, self-employed professionals, jobseekers, people who have interrupted their studies for a year, who wish to complete their training and who can demonstrate a level of professionalism in the sports sector (minimum 3 years).
    Adults are supported in a permanent teaching workshop to increase their chances of successfully resuming their studies.
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And then

Further studies

  • LIC PRO "commercialisation de produits et Services sportifs" Université de Savoie
  • LIC PRO "animation Gestion et organisation des activités de pleine nature option tourisme sportif" University of Poitiers
  • LIC PRO "Gestion des petites Organisations" University of Perpignan
  • LIC PRO "Management of organizations, specializing in business creation/takeover" IUT Nîmes.
  • LIC PRO "Sports Professions" Talence (Bordeaux)
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Professional integration

The DEUST "Action et Commercialisation des Services Sportifs" is a first level of professional qualification at Bac + 2 (2 years of higher education), enabling entry into working life in the supervision and management of leisure activities.

  • Technician, animator.
  • Commercial action, sales.
  • Sporting goods consultants.
  • Helping to manage sports services and run physical and sports activities.
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