Target level of study
BAC +3
180 credits
3 years
Training structure
IUT Béziers
The Bachelor Universitaire de Technologie (BUT) is becoming the new reference diploma for IUTs. When you enter a BUT, you'll benefit from an integrated 3-year program, with no additional selection required to achieve a Bachelor's degree. A DUT will still be awarded at the end of the second year, so you can continue to benefit from a university and technological education supervised by experienced mixed teaching teams.
The 3-year Marketing Techniques diploma (BUT) will enable you to work on and validate skills that can be directly transferred to the professional world in the fields of marketing, sales and communication. It will enable students to specialize in :
- Digital marketing, e-business and entrepreneurship ;
- International business: buying and selling ;
- Marketing and point-of-sale management.
The Bachelor's degree in Marketing Techniques trains students to become versatile, autonomous and progressive salespeople.
With experience, they can move into management positions.
Know-how and skills
Acquire know-how
- market research
- negotiation techniques
- commercial communication actions
- direct marketing techniques
- drawing up budgets and financing plans
- project management
- mastery of modern communication and information processing media
Developing interpersonal skills
- a taste for action
- sense of reality
- people skills
- ability to integrate into a team
- people skills
- autonomy, initiative
Knowledge control
The diploma is awarded on the basis of continuous assessment. A validation of knowledge is organized at the end of each semester (30 credits per semester).
The DUT corresponds to 180 European credits, i.e. a bac + 3 level. Those who have validated 120 credits obtain the intermediate diploma of DUT (diplôme universitaire de technologie, at bac + 2) at the end of their first two years.
Special features
Special arrangements
High-level athletes:
Schooling arrangements available for high-level athletes. For more information on accommodations, visit the school's information website
Confirmed artist:
Possibility of accommodations for confirmed artists. For more information on accommodations, consult the school's information website.
Open on a sandwich basis
From the second year onwards.
A genuine gateway to professional integration, the option of a sandwich course is available from the 2nd year of the B.U.T. TC.
The DUT is made up of 1,800 hours of teaching, 600 hours of tutored projects and 20 to 28 weeks of work experience. It is divided into 6 semesters (the DUT obtained at the end of the first 4 semesters of teaching and 8 to 12 weeks of internship). It is defined by 5 skill blocks, three common to all students enrolled in the BUT/DUT TC (marketing, sales and communication) and two specific (depending on the path chosen, a more in-depth study in the fields of digital, international, distribution, business development or commercial communication).
Start date: September
◌ Duration: 3 years
◌ Hourly volume: 2600h
◌ Internship: 22 to 26 weeks over the 3 years
◌ Hourly volume of tutored projects: 600h
◌ Assessment: continuous assessment
Admission requirements
Applicants who hold or are preparing for a French baccalaureate or a qualification accepted as equivalent are authorized to apply via Parcoursup.
Applicants attending school and/or residing in a country with a Campus France area go through the "Etudes en France" procedure and not the Parcoursup platform.
Students who do not hold or are not preparing for a French baccalauréat, DAEU or level IV diploma must go through a specific procedure to apply to university (dossier d'inscription préalable or dossier blanc/vert) and therefore do not go through the Parcoursup platform, unless they are already enrolled in school in France.
How to register
Initial training:
On application, following the PARCOURSUP procedure.
Deadline for return of applications defined by the PARCOURSUP procedure.
Continuing education:
Continuing education at higher education establishments is aimed at :
- people (employees, jobseekers, self-employed professionals, etc.) who have interrupted their studies and wish to acquire or develop a qualification, or enhance their professional experience
- employers (private or public) wishing to develop their employees' skills
Subject to fulfilling the prerequisites, candidates can register via the University of Montpellier's Continuing Education Department for :
- Diplomas equivalent to Bac (DAEU B, Capacité en droit)
- National and state diplomas (DUT, Licence pro, Ingénioriat, Master,...)
- Institutional diplomas (Diplôme d'Université, Certificat)
Access to training is also possible via Validation des Acquis Professionnels or Validation des Acquis de l'Expérience (VAP/VAE). For further information, please visit the Continuing Education website.
Apprenticeships (available from the second year):
For more information, visit the Centre de Formation des Apprentis du Languedoc Roussillon.
Tuition fees
Student and Campus Life Contribution (CVEC):
A Contribution Vie Étudiante et de Campus (CVEC) (Student and Campus Life Contribution) must be paid by each student, prior to administrative registration, for most of the courses listed on Parcoursup.
For more information on the courses covered by the CVEC and the exemptions available:
Tuition fees per year: 170 euros.
Mandatory prerequisites
High school results, with particular emphasis on subjects related to the specialization, as well as grades in French for the bac anticipation test.
Teaching staff appraisals (mathematics, French, philosophy, English, foreign languages, specialization subjects).
Motivation for the specialization, interest in business and related professions.
Attendance, attitude and behavior in all subjects.
Recommended prerequisites
- Have a command of French, enabling you to communicate appropriately in writing and orally, particularly in public, to understand a statement, analyze it and draft a solution,
- Have sufficient knowledge of English and a second foreign language to enable you to progress during your training: communicate orally, read and understand a text, answer written and oral questions,
- Be able to research, structure and analyze information from a variety of documentary sources (press, Internet, media, etc.),
- Have a good level of general knowledge: show curiosity and openness to the social, political and economic issues of the contemporary world,
- Know how to mobilize knowledge and develop a critical sense.
- Know, mobilize and effectively use fundamental calculations and quantitative tools,
- Know how to mobilize knowledge to solve a problem,
- Be able to evolve in a digital environment and have basic knowledge of office automation.
- Have an initial idea of their professional project,
- Be a team player and know how to integrate into group work via projects and practical work,
- Have a practical sense, be attentive and rigorous,
- Show an interest and motivation for the fields of marketing, sales and communication,
- Know how to get involved and organize their studies (or manage their workload) to provide the work needed to succeed independently.
Expected results
On completion of the course, graduates will be able to:
◌ Conduct market research
◌ Design communication tools
◌ Manage a budget
◌ Work as part of a team and manage a project
◌ Master communication and information processing media
◌ Develop a sales pitch and conduct a successful negotiation
And then
Further studies
BUT's combination of general and vocational training is conducive to further study. Opportunities vary according to specialization and entry requirements (portfolio, exam, interview).
- At university, those who have completed 4 semesters of the BUT can join a bachelor's degree program, with a view to preparing for a master's degree (bac+5). Access to L2 (2nd year of a bachelor's degree) or L3 (3rd year of a bachelor's degree) is subject to the approval of the university's pedagogical committee; it is also possible to apply for the 1st year of a master's degree, known as M1, for those who have obtained their BUT diploma.
- Many engineering schools offer parallel admissions for IUT students. The number of places allocated to these profiles and the diploma specialties admitted vary from school to school. With the reform of IUT curricula, the conditions of access to engineering schools for these candidates have yet to be defined.
- The 1-year ATS (adaptation technicien supérieur) preparatory courses are open to holders of a DUT in one of the following specialties: biology; industrial engineering; civil engineering; chemical trades.
- Business and management schools have set up parallel admissions programs. The number of places available varies from school to school. Some BUT specialties are more suitable than others. Some high schools offer a 1-year preparation course for entrance exams at bac + 2: prépa ATS économie-gestion.
Professional integration
Digital marketing, e-business and entrepreneurship:
Targeted professions:
All digital marketing and e-business professions + Creation of digital business start-ups
International business: buying and selling:
Targeted professions:
All international trade professions
Business development and customer relationship management course:
Target professions:
All distribution professions: retail manager, department manager, point of sale manager, etc.