Sciences, Technological fields, Engineering


  • Target level of study

    BAC +3

  • ECTS

    180 credits

  • Duration

    3 years

  • Training structure

    IUT Nîmes

  • Language(s) of instruction



By enrolling in the Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering - Sustainable Construction (B.U.T. GC-CD), students benefit from an integrated 3-year program leading to a Bachelor's degree. The degree is aligned with international standards and facilitates exchanges with foreign universities.

With the B.U.T. GC-CD, students continue to benefit from a university-level, technological education supervised by experienced teaching teams. The curriculum is still structured around practical work experience, with periods spent in companies as interns or on a sandwich course.

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The B.U.T. GC-CD is designed to train multi-skilled managers in the building and public works sector. They are destined to be involved in project management (work programming), project management (design offices) or construction (construction companies), as well as site organization and management.


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Know-how and skills

The BUT GCCD program is based on a skills-based approach. Over the course of their studies, students will develop 5 professional skills:

  • Technical solutions in the building sector: this skill covers all activities involving the study, choice of solutions and proposal of variants based on an analysis of technical and environmental constraints, compliance with standards and test results in the building sector.

  • Technical solutions in public works: this skill covers all the activities involved in studying, selecting solutions and proposing variants based on an analysis of technical and environmental constraints, compliance with standards and test results in the public works sector.

  • Dimensioning: this skill covers all activities involved in dimensioning a structure, from the structural point of view (reinforced concrete, wood, metal) to the building envelope and its technical equipment, as well as the dimensioning of geotechnical structures.

  • Site organization: this skill covers all activities relating to costing, preparation and technical and human management of a building or public works site, from the response to a call for tenders through to delivery of the work.

  • Technical monitoring of a structure: this skill covers all activities relating to the diagnosis, monitoring, operation and maintenance of a structure or group of structures.

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Knowledge control

Assessment is continuous and at the end of each semester (30 ECTS per semester). It is used to assess the level of mastery of acquired skills. A total of 6 semesters (180 ECTS) must be passed to obtain the B.U.T. GC-CD.

Students who do not wish to continue into the 3rd year of the B.U.T. GC-CD and have validated 120 ECTS (4 semesters) can apply for the Diplôme Universitaire Technologie (D.U.T.) GC-CD (bac + 2).

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Special features

Top-level athletes
The university aims to provide top-level athletes with the resources they need to pursue their university studies. This support takes the form of curriculum adjustments adapted to sporting constraints, with the aim of reconciling higher education studies with a sporting career.
To qualify, check your eligibility here
You must apply for high-level status every year.

Confirmed artists
The university promotes access to initial and continuing training for established artists. This support can take the form of specially adapted curricula. For further information, contact the Student Services Department here.

Students with disabilities
Complementing each other in their missions, the Handiversité and Médecine de Prévention services join forces to help you succeed in your studies. They are your key contacts for information, assessing your situation, recommending suitable accommodations and monitoring their implementation. (More info here).

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Internships, tutored projects



Length of internship

A minimum of 22 weeks over the 3 years to apply the skills acquired.

Tutored projects
600 hours are allocated to tutored projects. These enable students to carry out a study in a small group. They are carried out over the course of the three-year training program, in parallel with the regular curriculum.

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Training begins in September and lasts 3 years. It is structured around university and technological courses. The total timetable is 2000 hours divided into 6 semesters. The program is built around a skills-based approach. The acquisition of skills is based on a combination of work experience and theoretical instruction.

1st year - Common core

EU11Technical solutions for the building industry EU21Technical solutions for the building industry
UE12Technical solutions for civil engineering EU22Technical solutions for civil engineering
EU13Sizing EU23Sizing
EU14Site organization EU24Site organization
EU15Technical monitoring of a project EU25Technical monitoring of a project
SAÉ (*)
SAE 1.1Design and execution of a building project SAE 2.1Building development/extension project
SAE 1.2Structure project SAE 2.2Roads and utilities project (VRD)
SAE 1.3Simple planimetric and altimetric survey SAE 2.3Complex planimetric and altimetric survey
SAE 1.4Modeling a structural element and its loading SAE 2.4Calculation of stresses and strains of a simple structure using professional software
SAE 1.5Location and sizing of dry and wet networks for a simple structure SAE 2.5Insulation performance of a simple structural element and solutions to meet hygrothermal constraints
SAE 1.6Quotation for a simple project SAE 2.6Planning simple jobs
SAE 1.7Assessment of an existing structure SAE 2.7Summary of the characteristics to be retained and the technical parts required to monitor the life of the structure
 Portfolio (**) SAE 2.8Stage 1
R 1.1Academic work methods and IT tools R 2.1Mathematics 2
R 1.2Mathematics 1 R 2.2Expression - Communication 2
R 1.3Expression - Communication 1 R 2.3English 2
R 1.4English 1 R 2.4Drawing - Plan reading 2
R 1.5Building technology R 2.5Secondary trades technology
R 1.6Drawing - Plan reading 1 R 2.6Topography 2
R 1.7Supporting structure R 2.7Civil engineering technology 2
R 1.8Civil engineering technology 1 R 2.8Structural mechanics 2
R 1.9Topography 1 R 2.9Heat and water transfer in walls
R 1.10Structural mechanics 1 R 2.10Construction methods 2
R 1.11Dry and wet networks R 2.11Site organization and management 1
R 1.12Contractors and structures in their environment R 2.12Quality Safety Environment 1
R 1.13Construction methods 1 R 2.13Granular materials, soils and road reuse
R 1.14Costing and financial management 1 R 2.14Binding materials, concrete and asphalt mixes
R 1.15Building component functions R 2.15Environmental assessment of materials and equipment
R 1.16Knowledge of the main materials R 2.16PPP 2
R 1.17PPP (***) 1   

(*) Situations d'Apprentissage et d'Évaluation (SAE) (Learning and Assessment Situations)
SAEs enable competencies to be assessed in situ. This assessment is carried out in line with all the elements structuring the reference framework, and is based on the portfolio approach, i.e. a process of reflection and demonstration carried out by the student him/herself. As a set of actions, the SAE requires the student to select, mobilize and combine relevant resources that are consistent with the targeted objectives. The stakes of an SAE are thus multiple:
- Participating in the development of skills;
- Supporting learning and the mastery of resources;
- Integrating student self-assessment;
- Enabling individualized learning.

(**) The portfolio approach
Sometimes referred to as a skills portfolio or professional passport, the portfolio is a link between the academic and socio-economic worlds. In this way, it responds to all the dimensions of a student's professionalization: from his or her training to his or her future as a professional.

(***) The Personal and Professional Project (PPP)
Present in every semester of the training program and supported by all the teachers on the teaching team, the Personal and Professional Project is a structuring element that enables students to play an active role in their training, to understand and appropriate its content, objectives and targeted skills.

From the second year onwards, students will have to choose a specialization:

  • Building work,
  • Public works,
  • Rehabilitation and Improvement of the Environmental Performance of Buildings,
  • Design Office.

The courses are differentiated by the fields of application of the various skills, and by the fact that in the third year, only three skills are pursued.

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Select a program

Building work

The Building Works pathway is specifically designed for careers in building site organization and management.

See the complete page of this course

Public Works

The Public Works pathway is designed more specifically for careers in public works site organization and management.

See the complete page of this course

Rehabilitation and Improvement of the Environmental Performance of Buildings

The Rehabilitation and Improvement of Environmental Performance of Buildings pathway is designed more specifically for careers in the organization and supervision of building rehabilitation sites.

See the complete page of this course

Design Office

The Design Office pathway is aimed more specifically at careers in building and civil engineering design offices.

See the complete page of this course


How to register

Application via the Parcoursup portal here      

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Target audience

BAC Général obtained

from 2021, recommended specialties :

  • mathematics + physics-chemistry or engineering science,
  • any other speciality after review of the file.

Before 2021

General BAC : BAC S

BAC Technologique: STI

File review : assessments by the teaching staff; opinion of the class council; motivation for the course of study; French and language marks; first and final year marks in science subjects.

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Tuition fees

Tuition fees include:
- University registration fees (set each year at national level; more info here),
- the Student and Campus Life Contribution ( Cotisation à la Vie Étudiante et de Campus - CVEC) , which is intended to provide students with social, health, cultural and sports support, and to bolster preventive and health education initiatives. (More info here)

All students enrolled in an initial training program or apprenticeship contract at a higher education institution must obtain a certificate of paymentor exemption from the CVEC before enrolling.

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And then

Further studies

Professional integration


Companies in the building and public works sector, local authorities, project owners, developers, architectural firms, inspection offices, structural, thermal and fluid design offices:

  • Site manager / assistant site manager,
  • Project manager, SPS coordinator,
  • Assistant project manager / project owner,
  • Energy diagnostician,
  • Design draftsman,
  • Technical Services Manager,
  • Assistant Design Engineer,
  • Modeller / BIM Coordinator...
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