Training structure
Service Commun de la Formation Continue , Faculty of Science
Pix certification is a national certification recognized throughout Europe, designed to help raise the general level of digital knowledge and skills, and thus prepare for the digital transformation of our entire society and economy.
By obtaining Pix certification, you can attest to your level of mastery of the digital world and its uses.
Training benefits
- Help raise the general level of digital knowledge and skills
- Preparing for the digital transformation of our entire society and economy
- Improve mastery of core digital skills
- Develop autonomy and adaptability to digital uses in any professional environment
Know-how and skills
The Pix platform assesses your mastery of 5 major domains and 16 digital skills from the DigComp European Reference Framework:
- Information and data (Search engine, information monitoring, fake news, file organization, spreadsheet use...)
- Communication and collaboration (Email, calendar, social networks, collaborative tools, eco-citizenship...)
- Content creation (Word, image, sound and video processing, page layout, copyright, programming...)
- Protection and safety (Personal data, accessibility, workstation ergonomics, cybersecurity, environmental impacts of digital technology, cyberbullying)
- Digital environment (Technical problem-solving, operating systems, components, history of computing...)
Your score in each area is graded on an 8-level scale, from novice (levels 1 and 2) to expert (levels 7 and 8), independent (levels 3 and 4) and advanced (levels 5 and 6).
To guarantee the professional value of the certification, you must achieve a level of between 3 and 4 in the 16 skills (i.e. a minimum of 384 PIX credits).
The program includes 5 classroom sessions in semester 1 (September and December), dates to be announced :
- Day 1 (6h30, 2 15-minute breaks)
Skills areas: D3 - Content creation, D2 - Communication and collaboration, D5 - Digital environment
Context, issues, tools, resources and operation (30min)
Binary and Huffman coding (45min)
Word processing (Libreoffice, writer: 45min)
Spreadsheets (Libreoffice, Calc: 1h)
Presentation tools (Libreoffice, Impress: 45min)
Making documents accessible to all (30min)
Collaborative tools (framasoft suite: 30min)
Practical part on the Pix platform (1h15)
- Day 2 (7 hours, 2 15-minute breaks)
Competence areas: D3 - Content creation, D4 - Protection and Safety
Programming (3h45) : Linux (tree base) / Python (execution loop) / SQL (database extraction) / HTML/CSS (code compression and correction)
Data security (45 minutes)
Data encryption (45 minutes)
Practical part on the Pix platform (1h30)
- Day 3 (6h30, 2 15-minute breaks)
Competence areas: D3 - Content creation, D4 - Protection and Safety
Photo analysis (1h): location and modifications
Image processing software (1h): Inkscape and GIMP
Video editing (1h): Shotcut
Search engine (30min)
Internet search: booleen (30min)
Rights and use of Internet documents (45min)
Practical part on the Pix platform (1h15)
- Day 4 (4h, 1 15-minute break)
Competence areas: D3 - Content creation, D4 - Protection and Safety
Information watch, fake news (1h)
Messaging and social networks (30min)
Chat with generative AI (GPT Chat) (1h)
Practical part on the Pix platform: free choice of skills in the presence of a teacher (1h15)
- Remote follow-up up to the day of certification (6 hours):
One appointment per week to answer your questions and help you solve specific exercises (1 hour in the evening from 8pm to 9pm).
2 intermediate reports to check the progress of your work (1/month) In-class certification (2h): Faculty of Science
Target audience
- Employees
- Companies
- Job seekers
- University of Montpellier staff
Mandatory prerequisites
As a prerequisite for the Pix training program, candidates must be able to read, write and count, and to use the basic functions of a computer (mouse and keyboard operation).
They must also have a basic command of their computer workstations and Internet communication tools, so that they can read educational documents and take part in the online activities on offer.
Expected results
To guarantee the professional value of the certification, the learner must achieve a level between 3 and 4 in the 16 skills (i.e. a minimum of 384 Pix, adapted to the learner's needs).