2 days
Training structure
Faculty of Dentistry
Language(s) of instruction
The use of MEOPA (Mixture Equimolar d'Oxygène et de Protoxyde d'Azote) to perform dental treatment under vigorous sedation on children, anxious or disabled patients is authorized in dental practices.
Application :
The file must include :
- a covering letter
- a CV
- a copy of the diploma of doctor of dental surgery
- copy of identity card or passport and/or visa
The completed application should be sent to (odonto-formation-permanente@umontpellier.fr)
Training benefits
- Physiology of pain, Dr C. Ricard, Anesthesiologist
- Mode of action, indications, contraindications, Dr E. Moulis
- Medico-legal aspects, Dr E. Moulis
- Communication and MEOPA, Dr G. Dominici
- Sedation in adults, Dr F. Kolb
- Presentation of equipment and practical work, Dr O. Chabadel
- First aid training
- Approved by the Conseil National de l'Ordre des Chirurgiens-dentistes.
- Registration fees may be covered by the URPS for practitioners in the Occitanie region.
- Single session : February 11 and 12, 2025
Tuition fees
1,150 (outside URPS Occitanie)